If a client has contacted you for the first time ever, you want to send a postcard. Also, if they contact you for first time in years since you helped them find their dream home, you should send a postcard. It shows that you remembered and appreciated the contact. This can help to make the recipients feel specially recognized, which will help to keep you in the forefront of their minds.
A couple other instances that refinancing postcards for realtors can be quite effective are after a home is sold and when you have not heard from them in over six months. This serves as a cordial follow up, shows consideration and helps to further the relationship. Remember, selling the home is the first step. A business minded realtor will continue to cultivate that relationship so that clients will always come back for their real estate needs. Not only does this follow up help to spur future business, but it can also create a source for or referrals. Individuals love to share their good experience with others, and if you maintain that business relationship, it will make the referral decision that much easier.
Refinancing postcards for realtors can be a great tool when utilized properly. You do not want to inundate clients with material, however you do want to make sure that they remember you. These postcards help to do just that. For a few ideas on possible postcard options, particularly customizable realtor postcards from the real estate marketing experts at Sendsations.