Thursday, December 28, 2017

Tips for Real Estate Farming Postcard Campaigns

Your real estate business can leap ahead of the competition with the right local marketing campaign. Planning and executing geographic farming campaigns can be a worthwhile investment of time and money. Here are some simple steps to creating an effective real estate farming campaign.

Develop a Plan

The first step you can take to create your marketing campaign is to develop a plan which can either cover a single mailing or a comprehensive campaign which you complete over time. It might be better to think long-term and create a series of postcard mailings which can make you more memorable to recipients. Your marketing campaign should consider who you are reaching and why they might want the services you offer.

Create a Theme

Effective geographic farming campaigns can attract new clients because they feel a connection with you and your business. What can benefit or interest your desired clients? Would they prefer a list comparable homes for sale or a recipe which reminds them of their childhood? Many themes can work in many areas, but some might be more attractive to certain market segments. Carrying a theme over for a longer campaign can boost your brand awareness even more.

Offer an Incentive

Who doesn’t love a gift? Offering a promotional item for listing with you or a free guide on home and garden tips to sign up for your email list can prompt recipients to contact you. Some other incentives you could offer that might appeal to recipients can include webinar invitations, open house invitations, printables like tracking sheets or calendars, or free consultations.

In each geographic farming postcard, a concise and clear call to action can lead recipients to visit your website or contact you. You should include the best ways to contact you, including a phone number, business address, website address, and social media links. If you can create an intriguing and continuous theme through multiple postcards, recipients can remember you when they want to sell their homes.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Rules for Effective Postcard Marketing

When it comes to postcard marketing, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. While postcards are a great way to draw in new real estate clients, if you don’t follow the rules, there is a very real chance that your efforts will be fruitless. To increase the likelihood of the success of your postcard campaign, keep the following rules in mind:

Choose an Effective Design

You can spend thousands of dollars on postcards and postage, but if your design doesn’t capture your intended audience’s attention, there is the very real possibility that your postcards will end up in the trash instead of on refrigerators. A vibrant and creative design such as those offered by Sendsations will go a long way to capturing new leads and generating responses. While vibrant is good, you want to make sure that your design is not too busy or cluttered with information, as this will only confuse the potential customer. Try to use both sides of the postcard if your budget allows, and to include information that will hook their interest.

Identify Your Goals

It’s difficult to create a successful postcard marketing campaign without a goal in mind. Do you want to find new listings or sell homes you’ve already been contracted to sell? Are you just trying to generate interest in your firm and build up your clientele, or are you looking to work with first time home buyers? Your ultimate goal will dictate what type of information and imagery you put on your mailer.

Don’t Forget a CTA

One of the biggest mistakes that realtors make with both their online and offline marketing campaigns is failing to include a call-to-action. You may do everything right, including using eye-catching images and targeting the right people, but if you fail to include your contact information, all your efforts will have been for naught. Include a CTA on the front and back of your postcard to guarantee that if potential clients want to call you, they can.

Postcard marketing can be extremely effective for realtors. However, if you fail to use an effective design, don’t identify your goals and forget a CTA, you may be disappointed. To ensure the greatest success, work with a company like Sendsations.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Increase Your Clients With Postcards

One of the most important factors that contributes to real estate success is the amount of clients and listings that you are able to bring in. This means that marketing, while it may not seem directly related to Real Estate, is probably the second most important part of being a real estate agent next to doing a good job for your client. If you are looking for an effective way to increase your volume of clients and get more listings, read on to find out how real estate postcards can work for you.

If you want people to remember your name and your face, you will have to remind them. Doing a good job is simply not enough. While word of mouth can be a powerful advertisement, potential clients will be much more likely to contact you if they receive a high quality postcard with your essential information on it. Real estate postcards are especially effective because they can be distributed to past clients monthly with your contact information and an update. You’ll be surprised how your sales can increase by simply reminding clients once a month and reinforcing their memory. Agents have reported receiving at least one new listing per month of sending postcards, as well as the majority of their closings coming from mailing list clients who received postcards.

The human memory is fallible and doesn’t like to remember things that it doesn’t need to. Even though it is capable, anyone who has studied a language will tell you that vocabulary is impossible to learn without repeated and consistent practice. Unfortunately this means that phone numbers, email addresses, even names and faces can fade from memory if they aren’t encountered frequently. This is why real estate postcards are so effective. By providing your clients with monthly reminders, you will be more likely to receive repeat calls and listings, which means a more successful business.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Refinancing Postcards: Let Your Clients Know They Have Options

Many people do not officially own their homes. Instead, they may have received a loan to help them afford the upfront cost of the home. Now that they are paying that loan back on a monthly basis, they may have noticed the interest rates included with the loan are costing them a lot more money than they wanted to initially spend. Even if they believe it is a situation they will be stuck dealing with for many years to come, refinancing is an option. Let your clients know about this option by sending postcards that educate them about the advantages of refinancing.

Some of these people may feel like they are never going to get ahead because the interest rates included with the loan are leaving them without any extra funds at the end of the month. Refinancing is a solution that could potentially help these individuals save big time. As a realtor, you can make sure they understand that this option is available by sending out refinance your home postcards. You do not even have to make these cards on your own. Sensdations can help you customize the way you want them to look with specific themes and graphics that you prefer.
If you may be able to help clients refinance their homes so that they may be able to get an entirely new loan that comes with much lower interest rates attached to it, you can send out these postcards to various people in the area you are servicing. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not realize it may be possible for them to get out of the financial bind by saving money each month with lower interest rates. However, you can include important details about obtaining a new loan with lower rates in those refinance your home postcards. Before you know it, you may have a bunch of new clients who are looking to come to your for help with this process.